Friday, December 11, 2009

Final Writing Test - Inherit the Wind

 (Note: I capitalized “Evolution” because it would be unfair to capitalize the “Church” and not “evolution”.)

The play Inherit the Wind shows the conservative people of a small town, somewhere in the United States. Their life isn’t exactly exciting and basically consists in going to the church and believing in God; but when Bertram Cates, a young science teacher, starts teaching Darwin’s theory of Evolution to his students, the whole town gets out of its lethargy and protests against this “aberration”. The play, which is mostly about Cate’s trial, is a plea for freedom of thought. Many facts show it, the most important of which is Henry Drummond defending Cate’s right to believe in Evolution, but also Brady’s right to believe in the Bible.

During the play, Drummond is constantly pleading for the liberty of thought, speech and expression. For example, at the beginning of the trial, people are shocked to hear him swear, but he says that words are there to be used and he refuses to stop swearing. Then, his main arguments to defend Bert Cates are always about him having the right to think. Once in the play, he even asks Matthew Brady: “Can sponges think, Mister Brady?” Confused, Brady says that if God gave the sponges the capacity to think, of course they can; and Drummond carries on saying: “Mister Cates is asking for the same rights as a sponge! He wants the right to think!” Unfortunately, his message is not clearly understood by the audience. Later, the lawyer goes further and defends Darwin’s right to think and write about Evolution. He says that the scientist had the right to write On the Origin of Species, and that whoever wants to read it should have the right to read it and to talk about it. In short, he thinks that the Church shouldn’t condemn people for thinking freely and seeking concrete answers to their questions.

At the end of Inherit the Wind, Drummond surprises the public by defending Brady’s right to be a Creationist and to defend the “literal truth” of the Bible. It is obvious that he is in favour of the theory of Evolution – he says it himself many times – but the most important value for him is freedom. Therefore, even if he ridicules Brady’s blind belief in the Bible with his sarcastic remarks, he still respects his opponent’s choice to believe that the Earth and all the species living on it were created by God and that a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree... After Brady dies, Drummond insists that he was indeed a good-hearted man. When Hornbeck, the journalist, criticizes Brady and the townspeople’s point of view and says that they are simple-minded and ridiculous, the lawyer defends them as well as he defended Cates. Finally, Henry Drummond himself is a symbol: he represents freedom of thought.

In conclusion, it is obvious that freedom of thought – along with freedom of speech and freedom of expression – is the main theme of the play. Henry Drummond’s role in the story is clearly to tell the public that whatever their beliefs are, they must respect other people’s beliefs as well. The play encourages the people to fight for their ideas, but also to be open-minded and to fight to let the others express their own ideas. Voltaire, a French writer of the 18th century, once said something that represents very well the main message of Inherit the Wind: “Je ne suis pas d’accord avec ce que vous dites, mais je me battrai jusqu’à la mort pour que vous ayez le droit de le dire.”

(590 words)

Monday, November 23, 2009

LEL 4: Grammar Skills for Writing 4: Adjectives, Adverbs and Confusing Words

1. Interest level
I think this course would be extremely interesting for some anglophonic people who write how they speak and don't know, for example, that the word "alright" doesn't exist. It would also be beneficial to many francophonic people who don't know the difference between "write", "rite" and "right"; "where", "wear" and "were"; "than" and "then"; etc. I thought it was quite interesting even though I already knew it.

2. Difficulty
For people who can make the difference between an adverb and an adjective, and between the words that sound the same, the course is extremely easy. I am one of these people, since I write much better than I speak in English... However, I am sure it can be difficult for people who speak very well but never write.

3. What I learned
Unfortunately, I cannot say I learned anything...

4. My score: 100/100

5. Course rating: 8/10
Even though this course was not interesting for me, I think it is the most relevant course I took so far. I think people don't know how to write; especially when they write posts on sites like Facebook or on blogs. I see mistakes like "your" instead of "you're" way too often. If everyone took a course like this one, maybe people would stop inventing new languages on the Web...

LEL 3: Grammar Skills for Writing 2: Fine-tuning Punctuation

1. Interest level
This course was not really interesting. I thought it would teach how to use punctuation to add interesting effects in a sentence, but it was only about the grammar rules concerning punctuation and the correct use of punctuation in English language.

 2. Difficulty
The course is divided in four lessons. Lesson 1 - about colons and semicolons - was very easy, since we saw it in class when we talked about the sentence patterns. Lesson 2 - about apostrophes and dashes - was also very easy, since I learned a long time ago how to use apostrophes in English, and dashes are used the same way as in French. Lesson 3 - about quotation marks - was more tricky, because it was not like in French. Finally, lesson 4 - about hyphens, parentheses, brackets, ellipsis, diagonals and numbers - was not really hard, but it was certainly the most interesting part, because it was more complete.

3. What I learned
I learned where to place the punctuation in quotations in English. In French, we put the commas and the dots after the quotation mark; but in English they have to be placed before. I also learned that brackets have to be used to insert a parenthetical idea in another, instead of a second pair of parenthesis.

4. My score: 95/100

5. Course rating: 7/10
I think the course is relevant enough, but it could be improved by adding a lesson about how to use punctuation to create special effects in a text.

Friday, November 20, 2009

11 Sexy Ways to Introduce a Literary Analysis

- Need a thesis statement (TS)
- Phrase the TS in terms of literary elements
- A TS is an interesting interpretation
- Use "quotations" to support the interpretation
- Don't use "I think"

1. Biographical information (author)
In Occurence at Owl Creek, A. Bierce was a northen soldier, yet he takes a southern point of view to express the horrors or war.

2. Quotation
"I am not mad. No, not me." Why did the narrator say this? Was he really sane? E.A. Poe's The Tell-Tale Heart explores the fine line between madness and sanity from the perspective of the narrator.

3. Definition
According to the dictionary, a lottery is a random draw with money as the prize. In S. Jackson's The Lottery, the prize is very macabre indeed: it's death by stoning.

4. Literary element
Imagery is a powerful way to express feelings and emotions. In Ode on a Grecian Urn, J. Keats personifies an ancient object to show the contrast between eternal beauty and ephemeral beauty.

5. Life experience of an author
E. Hemingway had a lot of problems communicating with women throughout his life. This is reflected in Hills Like White Elephants, where Jig and the American never really communicate.

6. Plot
At the beginning of Oscar Wilde's Nightingale and the Rose, the nightingale's heart is broken by the student's sadness. By the end, her heart is literally broken by a thorn of a rose tree.

7. Philosophical or sociological concept
Tries involving life and death should be based on reason and justice. In F.S.'s The Lady or the Tiger, justice is based on the whims of the king.

8. Historical background
Gothicism was in vogue in the early nineteenth century, delving into metaphysical issues and the meaning of death. In E.A. Poe's The Tell-Tale Heart, there are many gothic elements.

9. Claim to fame and notoriety
J.D. Salinger's Catcher in the Rye was written in the 1950's and is still read in almost every literature course.

10. Interesting imagery
A painting is for the painter what the novel is for the writer.

11. Allusion
Many literary works are related to trials: Karfka's The Trial, Lee's Tokilla, T. Capote's In Cold Blood. These express universal themes. In Lawrence and Lee's Inherit the Wind, the trial explores free thinking US fundamentalism.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Book Report - Pride and Prejudice

Through the years, many novels have marked the history of English litterature; Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen, is certainly one of them. This famous novel is among the greatest classics of literature for it is highly apreciated for its wit, the social criticism it contains and its engaging characters. All these elements, and many others, contribute to the originality of both the story and the style of the writing. In this report, I am going to explain how the point of view and the characters make Pride and Prejudice a good novel.

First, it is important to mention the particular point of view. In any novel of this kind, the main character would, without any doubt, have been Jane, Elizabeth's older sister. The most classical love story between her and Mr. Bingley would have made a perfect scenario for one of these cliché romantic novels with which the libraries are overflowing. The originality of Jane Austen's concept lies in the point of view, that uses Elizabeth Bennet as the main character. While Jane's story is still present, it is seen mostly from her sister's eyes, which makes it more interesting. However, it also makes it appear secondary. The major place is taken by Elizabeth's thoughts about her family, her regards in respect to some characters and her dislike toward some others. Furthermore, in the second half of the novel, her rather uncommon story with Mr. Darcy becomes the main center of interest. This hatred gradually turning into love is a great change compared to the usual "love at first sight" fairy tale.

Then, another element that is essential in the story, for it makes it realistic and funny, are the characters. Each character has a distinct personality that contributes to make the story more interesting. From Mrs. Bennet's garrulity and foolishness to her husband's cynicism, with Jane's infinite kindness, Lizzy's explosive character, Darcy's pride and Collins' ridiculousness, the mix can be nothing but delightful. Moreover, the pride and insolence of the characters of higher class show a profound critique of society. They consider the people of lower rank as savages and have no remorse when they openly criticize them. The "savages", on their side, are willing to do anything to increase their fortune, as to marry someone for whom they have no respect. For example, Mrs. Bennet wants Elizabeth to marry Mr. Collins, and Charlotte actually does marry him, for the sake of money. It is so fair to say that the characters are extremely realistic and represent with an outstanding precision the society of that time.

In conclusion, I must say Pride and Prejudice is one of the best novels I have read. Smart and funny, yet touching, it has everything it needs to please almost any kind of reader. Jane Austen's masterpiece will forever remain a classic of English literature.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Inherit the Wind

1. How does Howard and Melinda's interaction at the beginning of the play foreshadow the major issues of the play? ------

2. What does Meeker, the bailiff's, willingness to let Cates out of jail to meet with Rachel tell us both about his offence and the town?
It tells that the offence is not serious and not a physical threat to the people.

3. What kind of town does Hillsboro seem to be in its preparation for Brady's arrival?
The town is really religious and shows it by singing.

4. What does Brady's relationship with his wife tell us about his character?
His relationship shows dependance and insecurity.

5. What does Brady's conversation with Rachel, and subsequent behaviour tell us about his character?
It tells us that he can be matipulative and cunning, and perharps even hypocritical.

6. How is Drummond characterized by the townspeople? Later when we meet him do they seem to be correct?
Drummond is described as evil because he defends criminals and murderers; however, the townspeople realize he is actually very decent.

7. What role does Hornbeck play in the action of the play? What is the significance of the way he speaks?

8. Do the elements of the trial seem fair to you? Why or why not?

9. What do you think Rachel’s motivations for asking Cates to drop the trial and admit

his guilt stem from?

10. What does Brady’s intervention in Reverend Brown’s sermon say about him? Does

this contradict what you thought about him as a character?

11. What is the central issue that Drummond is arguing for in the courtroom?

12. Do you think it is fair that none of Drummond’s expert witnesses are allowed to act as


13. What is it that Brady reveals about his religious beliefs while he is being questioned

in court by Drummond?

14. How does Drummond win over the support of the audience in the courtroom in his

examination of Brady?

15. What is it that Drummond says about progress? How is this significant to the play’s

main message?

16. How does Brady react to the courtroom’s support of Drummond instead of him?

17. What is the significance of Drummond’s story about Golden Dancer?

18. What is the difference in the way the two lawyers, Brady and Drummond respond to

the radio?

19. Why is Cates sentenced the way he is?

20. What is Cates’ statement after the verdict?

21. What happens to Brady after the trial? Was this a surprise?

22. What does Rachel decide at the end of the play? How does this tie into Drummond’s

message as well as the main theme of the play?

23. What does Drummond say Brady had the right to do or have?

24. What is the significance of the two books Drummond holds at the end of the play?

25. What do you think the main message of the play is?

Friday, October 23, 2009

Hills Like White Elephants

Thesis statement: Setting and symbolism are used to discuss abortion.

The setting introduces the tense atmosphere.
Spain, 1920's, The landscape contains imagery that evoke the characters' perspectives, Railstation / Rails in the sun, Important decision, Girl talks about the hills, White elephants (unique and uncommon)

Friday, October 9, 2009

Mid-Term Writing Test

1. What is Louise Mallard’s opinion of marriage? Indicate the paragraph that suggests it?
Mrs. Mallard feels like she cannot live her life to the fullest because of marriage. She thinks her husband is controlling, and that being married means having to follow his will. It is clearly expressed in the text when the woman thinks, "there would be no powerful will bending hers in that blind persistence with which men and woman believe they have right to impose a private will upon a fellow-creature. A kind intention or a cruel intention made the act seem no less a crime as she looked upon it in that brief moment of illumination."

3. How does she feel about her future as a widow? Cite the line in the text, using just the first few words, then a series of dots …?
She realized that "she would live for herself. There would be no powerful will bending hers (...)", and that makes her extremely happy. She is impatient of starting her new life; a life in which she is free of living her own way. In other words, she welcomes the idea of this future.

6. Why did the author make the story so short?
The story is short because all the psychological evolution of the main character happens within one hour. From the moment she is told by her sister about her husband's death until she sees the latter enter the room, her feelings go gradually from deep sorrow to "the joy that kills". The fact that the story is so short shows that her psychological state evolves rapidly.

7. Explain how Louise can feel joy and sadness at the same time?
She feels joy in prevision of her new life as a free woman, but she is sad because of her husband's death. "She had loved him--sometimes", and it is always hard when someone you love dies; but she sees beyond that a great new life that will make her happy. "She knew that she would weep again when she saw the kind, tender hands folded in death. (...) But she saw beyond that bitter moment a long procession of years to come that would belong to her absolutely.

Irony in the story
In The Story of An Hour, Kate Chopin shows the readers how marriage and relationships can be ironic. First, there is irony in the fact that the woman who is told about her husband's death, after weeping in her sister's arms, actually starts feeling happy about the matter. When she goes away to her room, refusing to see anyone, she is feeling grief and "a physical exhaustion that haunted her body and seemed to reach into her soul". That is usually a normal reaction for a wife who loses her husband; however, she ends up welcoming her fate. These are two completely opposite reactions, and they both happen simultaneously. Being sad and happy at the same time, even if it is fairly possible, is very ironic; and being happy about the death of someone you love is even more ironic.
Then, another irony that is present in the story is the special kind of love between Mr. and Mrs. Mallard. They love each other, but she feels imprisoned in their relation. Kate Chopin even wrote: "And yet she had loved him--sometimes. Often she had not (...)", which expresses a certain irony. Mrs. Mallard is married to a man she doesn't always love, and she would prefer being alone and free. She obviously doesn't understand why she loves her husband, because she doesn't really like being with him. Yet, despite everything, the fact that she dies of "the joy that kills" means that she loved him; and even if she thought her new life would be great, she felt even happier when she saw him alive then when she realised she was free. In fact, love itself is a quite ironic phenomenon: people who are in love don't actually understand how they feel; and if one thinks he understand it, then it means he is not really in love.
Finally, the last irony I can find in The Story of An Hour is Mrs. Mallard's death. Her heart could not bear the prompt evolution of her feelings during this fatal hour, and it decided to give up. It is ironic that she died at the moment when her longing for life was the strongest. She felt alive, she had a hundred projects in mind, she was impatient to begin her new life as a widow. She had even just "breathed a quick prayer that life might be long". Unfortunately, her wish did not come true. As her joy was growing, it became so important that it ended up killing her. People usually die of intense sorrow, but not her: she died of extreme happiness. The irony of fate made her die of the most wonderful feeling in the world.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Sentence combining

1. Independant coordinate clauses
Two sentences may be connected by a coordinate conjunction or a conjunctive adverb.
- Addition: and (CC), moreover (CA)
- Result: so (CC), therefore (CA)
- Contrast: but (CC), however (CA)

2. Dependent subordinate clauses
Dependent clauses contain subjects and predicates with full verbs. These clauses function as adverbs, nouns, and adjectives.
- Cause: because, since, as
- Contrast: although, even though, though, while, whereas
- Condition: if, unless, whether, even if
- Time: before, after, when, until, since, while

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

LEL 2: Vocabulary and Spelling 1: Strategies for Complex Words

1. Interest level
This course wasn't really interesting because it was only about the meaning of some vocabulary words. It was almost like reading a dictionary.

2. Difficulty
This course was really easy for me, because many of the vocabulary words were French words used in English, so I already knew their meaning. Even most of the English words were simple words.

3. What I learned
The only new word I learned is the verb "to slough", which means "to ignore".

4. My score: 99/100

5. Course rating: 4/10
I think the course isn't really relevant for anyway who has a minimum of vocabulary. However, people who are not used to more complicated words and English people who don't know the meaning of French words might find it more interesting than me.

Monday, October 5, 2009

LEL 1: Grammar Skills for Writing 3: Subjects/Verbs/Pronouns

1. Interest level
The course is quite interesting. It explains how to use verbs efficiently and to avoid mistakes with some confusing pronouns and plural subjects, which can be very useful when writing.

2. Difficulty
The beginning of the course was extremely easy: I would have done it at the end of elementary school. However, the part about pronouns was more tricky. When we speak, we use the pronouns "they", "their" and "them" too often. For example, we ask "Would anyone lend me their pencil?", when the pronoun should in fact be singular. I learned English mostly by listening to English people speaking, so I wasn't familiar with the proper use of pronouns.

3. What I learned
As I mentionned in the previous point, I learned the proper use of plural and singular pronouns in sentences. I also learned to make the difference between lay and lie.

4. My score: 94/100

5. Course rating: 7.5/10
I think some parts of the course were relevant, but others were too easy and were just a repetition of what we learn at the end of elementary school or in secondary school. The parts that were relevant were nevertheless very useful to help me make the difference between proper English and spoken English.

Friday, October 2, 2009


- Denotation VS Connotation
- Concreteness VS Abstractness
- Figures of speech (simile, metaphor, personification, alliteration, assonance, consonance, hyberbole, oxymoron (ex: sounds of silence, cruel love), apostrophe = talking to someone)
- Level of language (slang, informal, formal).
- Imagery (seeing, hearing, touching, tasting, smelling)
- Symbolism
- Irony
- Pun = fun use of words (ex: I should have been sad when my flash light died, but I was delighted. You can tune a guitar but you can't tune a fish. I couldn't remember how to throw a boomerang, but it eventually came back to me.)
- Euphony VS Cacophony
- Onomatopeia
- Rhyme pattern

Friday, September 25, 2009

The Nightingale and the Rose

Oscar Wilde
- Irish
- Aesthetic movement = art for art's sake
- Flamboyant
- Social critic
- "The Portait of Dorian Grey"
- 1891 gay affair (married, two sons)
- Two years in jail
- Dies penniless
- Story written for his two sons

- Wisdom = Oak tree
- Unrequited love = Red rose
- Goodness + virtue = Nightingale
- Materialism = Girl (air hoad)
- Cynism (not appreciating beauty) = Student

Personification: "But the Tree shook its head."
Simile: "Her voice was like water bubbling from a silver jar."
Metaphor: "Flame-coloured are his wings (...)"
Alliteration: "You must build it out of music by moonlight."

The Nightingale and the Rose - Writing Assignment

The Nightingale and the Rose, written by Oscar Wilde, is a story with a very strong meaning that makes the reader think about important values. I am going to write about the importance of love as a value and about the way the author's writing makes the story meaningful.

The Nightingale and the Rose makes the reader reflect on the importance of love. During the whole story, the Nightingale is trying to find a rose for the Student because she thinks he is a true lover; she even sacrifices her life for it. Yet, at the end, we find out that the young man's love was not real. According to me, there are two possibilities: either the author wanted to say that love is really important, or he wanted to say that it is not. Indeed, love might seem really important to one who focuses on what the Nightingale did. So to speak, the bird itself might be the true lover, the symbol of love. On the other hand, one could see the end as a proof that love is not necessarily worth everything we do for it. The author might have intended to tell the reader that love - even if it is indeed a beautiful thing - is only one value amongst many others.

Oscar Wilde uses numerous personifications to emphasize the images and their meaning. The words "Love", "Life", "Philosophy", "Death" etc. are capitalized to give the impression that they are more than simple words; they have a meaning far beyond what they say, because they are things we cannot fully understand or explain. "Nightingale", "Rose-tree", "Moon", "Oak-tree", etc. are also capitalized to put an emphasis on the symbolic meaning of the words. For instance, the Nightingale represents love and goodness; the Moon represents the purity of love, and so on. Instead of simply picturing a bird or a tree, the reader has in mind the whole image behind it.

In conclusion, it is obvious that The Nightingale and the Rose is a meaningful story that is meant to make the reader reflect on values.

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge


1- The sentinels might have been "statues". (metaphor)
2- The water roared like "the voice of Niagara". (simile and personnification)
3- The trees were giant garden plants. (metaphor)

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Writing correction code

- "A thesis statement is an assertion, not a statement of fact or an observation".
- "A thesis statement is specific rather than vague or general".

Topic sentence:
- "It related the paragraph to the essay's thesis, (...) but it also defines the scope of the paragraph itself".
- "As the thesis statement is the unifying force in the essay, so the topic sentence must be the unifying force in the paragraph".

Friday, September 18, 2009

Sentence patterns

Independent Clause: complete idea
subject + verb + direct object
ex: CSL has 3200 students.
+ modifiers, prepositional phrases...

Dependant Clause: not a complete idea
subject, verb, subordinating conjunction or relative pronoun


Pattern 1:  IC;IC
ex: Hard work is only part of the equation for success; talent is the other.
ex: Some people dream of being something; others stay awake and are.
ex: The princess had the fate of her lover in her hands; she could make him live or die.

Pattern 1 a)  IC; conjunctive adverb + IC
conjunctive adverbs: so, however, therefore, hence, thus, then...
ex: The narrator admitted his guilt; so the police took him away.
ex: Frank Stockton started out as a wood engraver; however, he later became a famous writer.
ex: The narrator suffocated and cut up the old man; then he got caught.

Pattern 1 b)  IC(; or ,) coordinating conjunction + IC
ex: Poe had lots of medical problems, and he died of unknown causes.
ex: Poe married his 13-year-old cousin; she died very soon, and he never recovered.
ex: Stockton's "Tiger" story was written for fun, but it caused a lot of controversy.

Pattern 2:  IC:IC (General statement: specific statement.)
ex: Darwin's "origin of species" states a harsh truth: only the fittest survive.
ex: The empty coffin in the centre of the crypt had a single horrifying meaning: Dracula had awakened.
ex: The story "Occurrence" is very ironic: the author, a northerner, takes a southern point of view.

Pattern 3: Series without a conjunction (A, B and C / A and B and C / A, B, C.)
ex: With intelligence, passion, vision, president Obama has become a voice of hope for peace.

Pattern 4: A series of balanced pairs
ex: God is day and night, winter and summer, war and peace.

Pattern 5: An introductory series of appositives with a dash (-) and summaryzing subject
ex: The Mona Lisa, Michaelangelo's "David", the ceiling of the Sistine chapel - these are examples of Italian artistic genius.

Friday, September 11, 2009

The Lady or the Tiger

The author: Frank Stockton
- He wrote for magazines, but had to stop because of sight issues.
- He kept writing by dictating his stories to his wife who was writing them for him.
- He never said to anyone what he expected the ending of the story would be.
- He lived to see a new century.
- He used to write humorous, children stories.
- He was very provocative.

A) Vocabulary
will: determination
valour: bravery
poetic justice: "What goes around comes around"
wails: a long and high-pitched cry of pain or grief
mourners: people feeling deep sorrow about the death or loss of someone
dire: very serious or urgent
fate: the unavoidable outcome of a person's life
fair: just, treating people equally
choristers: members of a choir
maidens: young women
apple of his eye: the most precious thing to him
unsurpassed: that has never been outdone
startling: shocking, surprising
damsels: young women
glances: brief looks
mazes: networks of paths in which it is hard to find a way
fangs: long sharp teeth
gnashed: grind
shriek: very loud sound or cry
anguished: experiencing severe pain or suffering

B)What advice would you give the accused courtier?
If it's the tiger, RUN!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Tell-Tale Heart

1. Point of view
The main character of the story is the narrator, talking to the first person. Since he's telling his own story, it gives a better understanding of his thoughts.

2. Style
2.1. Imagery
Based on sounds: the beating of the heart, the watch, the scream.
2.2 Metaphor
"the vulture eye"
"stone dead"
2.3 Simile
"It was a low, dull, quick sound -- much such a sound as a watch makes when enveloped in cotton".
2.4. Personification
"Death in approaching him had stalked with his black shadow before him and enveloped the victim".
2.5 Irony
Precaution VS denunciation
Kindness VS hatred, cruelty
Madness VS sanity

3. Prefixes
Disemble, Impossible, Foresight, Derision, Midnight, Undisturbed, Concealment, Precautions, Introducted, Extent

4. Suffixes
Causeless, Uncontrolable

5. Thesis statement about "theme"
1- A human being has a pervese wicked side - another self - that can goad him into doing evil things with no apparent motive.
2- Fear of discovery can bring about discovery.
3- The evil within (internal) is worst than the evil or ugliness without (external).

Friday, September 4, 2009

Notes: Speaking criteria

1. Delivery: Loud, eye contact, not read, speed, pronunciation.

2. Content: Develop ideas (main, secondary, introduction, etc.), questions, anecdotes...

3. Organisation: Sequencers (first, second...), connectors (however, therefore...)

4. Language: Vocabulary, grammar, sentence variety.

Wiki Quiz

  1. What is the Learning Express Library (LEL)? A page on the website of la Grande Bibliothèque

  2. Where is Mr. B's office? C-150

  3. What percentage of the course is writing and speaking worth? 100%

  4. How many items are on the "Writing Correction Code"? 25

  5. What are Mr. B's office hours? Monday 12:00 - 4:00 and Thursday 3:00 - 4:00

  6. What is the 48 hour rule? If you miss an evaluation, you have to see the teacher in the 48 hours following the evaluation or you get a 0.

  7. What is the first assignment? Read the Tell-Tale Heart, Student Profile, Wiki Quiz

  8. How many references are made to "thesis statement"? 6

  9. How can I reach Mr. B through this Wiki? Members -> Bonk -> Send message

  10. Do you have to go to the Grande Bibiliotheque to register? no

  11. How many short stories are we going to read? 8

  12. How many pages on the site refer to "grammar"? 5

  13. How many items are listed in the Student Agreement? 10

  14. What are the summative writing assignments? Book review, 2 tests, 2 LELs

  15. Write down two questions you have about the course? Are we going to have to read very long books? Are there British authors in the list?

Notes: Literary Elements

Plot (#2, 4, 5, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 24.) : Action, Conflict, Climax, Denouement, Flashback and foreshadow.

Setting (#8, 9, 10, 15, 24.) : Place, Time.

Characterization (#3, 4, 6, 20, 22, 24, 25.) : Protagonist, Antagonist, Physical, Psychological, Actions and dialogues.

Theme (#1, 16, 19, 21, 24, 26.) : Meaning.

Narration (#7, 18, 24.) : First person, Third person, Omniscent.

Style (#15, 20, 23, 24.) : Figures of speech, Figurative.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Assignment: Student Profile

There was a quite interesting girl sitting next to me in English class today. Her name is Lorraine. Lorraine, despite listening mostly to japanese rock, alternative rock and power pop, is a big fan of basically any kind of music. She's been playing the guitar for eigh years, and her success in Pierre-Laporte's music program is an achievement of which she is very proud. She is also fond of Tim Burton movies, and she has a passion for different languages and cultures and she loves to travel. She has many skills, but the main ones are guitar, Dance Dance Revolution and videogames.
Lorraine has a quite extended network. She lives in Ste-Sophie and studies in Montreal, her mother's family lives in New-Brunswick and her boyfriend lives in Ottawa.
One of her short-term ambitions is to start working out. She intends to take muscle-building as an option for gym classes during the next semester. In the long-term, she wants to live a peaceful life in a nice house with a husband, two children and a Swiss shepherd. She also hopes she'll be able to travel a lot during her life.
Lorraine is a really nice girl. I wish all her dreams will come true. :)