Friday, August 28, 2009

Assignment: Student Profile

There was a quite interesting girl sitting next to me in English class today. Her name is Lorraine. Lorraine, despite listening mostly to japanese rock, alternative rock and power pop, is a big fan of basically any kind of music. She's been playing the guitar for eigh years, and her success in Pierre-Laporte's music program is an achievement of which she is very proud. She is also fond of Tim Burton movies, and she has a passion for different languages and cultures and she loves to travel. She has many skills, but the main ones are guitar, Dance Dance Revolution and videogames.
Lorraine has a quite extended network. She lives in Ste-Sophie and studies in Montreal, her mother's family lives in New-Brunswick and her boyfriend lives in Ottawa.
One of her short-term ambitions is to start working out. She intends to take muscle-building as an option for gym classes during the next semester. In the long-term, she wants to live a peaceful life in a nice house with a husband, two children and a Swiss shepherd. She also hopes she'll be able to travel a lot during her life.
Lorraine is a really nice girl. I wish all her dreams will come true. :)

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