Friday, September 18, 2009

Sentence patterns

Independent Clause: complete idea
subject + verb + direct object
ex: CSL has 3200 students.
+ modifiers, prepositional phrases...

Dependant Clause: not a complete idea
subject, verb, subordinating conjunction or relative pronoun


Pattern 1:  IC;IC
ex: Hard work is only part of the equation for success; talent is the other.
ex: Some people dream of being something; others stay awake and are.
ex: The princess had the fate of her lover in her hands; she could make him live or die.

Pattern 1 a)  IC; conjunctive adverb + IC
conjunctive adverbs: so, however, therefore, hence, thus, then...
ex: The narrator admitted his guilt; so the police took him away.
ex: Frank Stockton started out as a wood engraver; however, he later became a famous writer.
ex: The narrator suffocated and cut up the old man; then he got caught.

Pattern 1 b)  IC(; or ,) coordinating conjunction + IC
ex: Poe had lots of medical problems, and he died of unknown causes.
ex: Poe married his 13-year-old cousin; she died very soon, and he never recovered.
ex: Stockton's "Tiger" story was written for fun, but it caused a lot of controversy.

Pattern 2:  IC:IC (General statement: specific statement.)
ex: Darwin's "origin of species" states a harsh truth: only the fittest survive.
ex: The empty coffin in the centre of the crypt had a single horrifying meaning: Dracula had awakened.
ex: The story "Occurrence" is very ironic: the author, a northerner, takes a southern point of view.

Pattern 3: Series without a conjunction (A, B and C / A and B and C / A, B, C.)
ex: With intelligence, passion, vision, president Obama has become a voice of hope for peace.

Pattern 4: A series of balanced pairs
ex: God is day and night, winter and summer, war and peace.

Pattern 5: An introductory series of appositives with a dash (-) and summaryzing subject
ex: The Mona Lisa, Michaelangelo's "David", the ceiling of the Sistine chapel - these are examples of Italian artistic genius.

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